Thursday 25 September 2008

Enchanted garden?

The other day I was fortunate enough to see a preview of the new Brideshead Revisited film. I don’t want to offend anyone, as I’ve neither read the book nor seen the TV serialization - but with fresh eyes and an optimistic outlook, I found it curiously insightful and brilliantly done.

Yes, the settings are beautiful, the actors rather cute, the 1920s and '30s style costumes and accessories are totally fabulous and having a glimpse into the quirky haute-boho life of lazy luxury of the British upper classes is somewhat amusing. But looking beyond the stylish fashion and glitzy surroundings, this production has much more to say:

Not only did the film fuel my own curiosity (I love deep and meaningful stuff that you can spend hours trying to get your brains around), but at the very core of this story is man’s innate curiosity and search for meaning. For instance, when the self-proclaimed atheist Charles is invited to a Catholic religious service he’s ‘curious enough to come along’. He seems equally curious in other areas – and unsure as to whether it’s Sebastian or Julia he wishes to bed.

Although his views are well formed in some fields ('photography captures the moment, but art reflects your feelings'), Charles still has a lot to learn about Catholicism and how sin can be offset by confession. He's told that the Italians are a lot better at accepting forgiveness for lapses in the human condition than the guilt ridden English Catholistocracy, whose resulting hang-ups provide plenty of material for this film.

Charles is totally fascinated with Brideshead, which becomes a symbol for the struggle with his own spirituality. He’s fallen hopelessly in love with the Brideshead lifestyle and has travelled a long and often baffling ego trip, until death strikes and the question of faith suddenly becomes all too relevant. Perhaps our own mortality, values and beliefs are worth a little more consideration?

Whatever your thoughts about the meaning of our existence, there’s one certainty in life and that’s why one of the curiosities featured on our website is an eco-friendly receptacle for human ashes. We’re not suggesting that you 'buy one now while stocks last', just asking that you appreciate the organic form, iconic design and practical purpose of the acorn urn – and remember that it’s available at ShopCurious.

Will you?

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