Tuesday 8 March 2011

Curiosities in the kitchen?

This Shrove Tuesday many of us will be delving into our cupboards in search of long forgotten foodstuffs like flour, honey or maple syrup for our pancakes. We’ll possibly find a few curiosities along the way: I unearthed a bottle of pickled walnuts and some mouldy peanut butter… yum!

Eating habits have become much more adventurous over the past couple of decades. Even the French, though fiercely protective of their classic style cuisine, seem to be experimenting more.

I’m not a fan of creperies, which seem to have escaped the 21st century altogether, but the traditional French style cafĂ© with its checked tablecloths and eclectic mix of local clientele is making a valiant effort to present food in a more arty and appealing manner.

And new restaurants are going directly for the novelty factor. Like the Mini Palais – a cabinet of curiosities housed in the Grand Palais art and exhibition space.

With mysterious wall hangings, shelves of antiquities and unusually dramatic lighting effects, this is where eating out meets theatre.

Best of all is the food, which is some of the tastiest and most inventive I’ve sampled in Paris for a long time – even the bread is divinely different. You’ll have to try it…

Or you could always create your own unique ambience. If you’re looking add a touch of quirky retro character to your dining table, may I suggest this collectable Carlton Ware curiosity cruet set at ShopCurious, which is cleverly shaped like a mushroom.

Great for all the condiments required for Pancake Day. Though I’m not sure you'll be needing the French mustard...

Will you?


  1. "Where eating meets theatre"... what a wonderful idea! And then in Paris!

  2. The mushroom set is adorable Susan!
    I have a similar design; salt& pepper set!
    Gorgeous week to you & thanks for the link! Appreciate it as always.

