Friday 6 May 2011

Curiosities of musical art

An aging population, a fascination with vintage style and our nostalgia for slower, less frenetic, times have contributed to the growing popularity of retro sounds and musical curiosities.

The influence of Cubism in contemporary design art is also having a curious effect upon our perception and treatment of musical instruments.

At ShopCurious, we’ve unearthed some unusual pieces of musical memorabilia that will be appearing on our website over the next couple of weeks. Fans of old style rhythm & blues, and quirky kitsch, will appreciate this collectable set of hand painted, ceramic musicians.

I love the curiously characterful faces of the members of this band – each one is totally unique. Dressed in fashionable red, these colourful figurines will jazz up any home décor scheme...

Even grungy greige.

Will you?


  1. Adore the matching bow ties!
    So charming, Susan!!


  2. Ahhh! It reminds me of racist "negrobilia" from the American south. I find them quite creepy.
