Tuesday 4 October 2011

New antiquarian style

A growing fascination with curiosities and collecting means antique style clothing and accessories are starting to appear everywhere. Judging by some of the fashions seen on catwalks, we’re about to experience a Miss Havisham inspired phase of dressing.

Dishevelled Dickensian drapery, curious hats and quirky accessories, old fashioned curiosity brooches, bejewelled and beringed gloves will feature.

Miss Havisham’s look is available at ShopCurious. From great-grandmother style brooches to Victorian photographs in curiously collectable union cases, check out our unique selection of vintage memorabilia and curios.

Will you?

PS And embellishment will be everywhere – see our latest Curious Trends post.


  1. Think I'll pass on this look.
    A bit O.T.T.
    Plus, I look old enough as it is.

  2. LOL, Jan is so heeheelarious!
    I must say the 'old' portraits is hauntingly beautiful Susan! I'm sure someone might want to cherish them agin.

  3. Love Miss Haversham!!! The brooch would be especially appropriate when channeling her.

  4. Glad there was no Mr Havisham - I might have been tempted into 'dishevelled dickensian drapery!'
    Nice to see you on the 'Elite' blog by the way Susan - I don't think we've had a visitor before.

  5. I always thought of the Miss Havisham look as being curiously timeless, Jan...

    And I guess elitists are few and far between, David?

  6. Ha....I guess so Susan; we will just have to struggle on breathing this lofty, rarified air!

  7. I love the old tintype photography--and daguerrotypes (probably spelled that wrong). Reminds me of looking through old books my parents had about the civil war. I recently found some old (turn of the century) photos at a garage sale and just had to take them home because they looks so unbelievably creepy. I guess old photography all has that wonderful ghostlike quality to it.
