Friday 4 November 2011

A time for heroes...

I bought a Poppy from Gunner George yesterday. Last year he raised £6,278.42 for the Poppy Appeal.

Why did this bring to mind the old fashioned curiosity shops (something of a dying breed) featured in Philip Woolway’s photography at ShopCurious? Curiously, amidst all the clutter of one such junk shop, stands a rather forlorn looking portrait of David Beckham. The image is called A Time for Heroes.

It’s good to remember who the real heroes are... lest we forget.

Will you?


  1. I'm sure David B would be the first to agree with your sentiment Susan.
    Have a good weekend!

  2. I agree, Jan - David B isn't the best example, as he does have a skill and has become something of an ambassador for UK Inc/charity causes etc. But the whole celebrity culture thing drives me nuts - today's celebrity 'heroes' are largely untalented and unworthy.

  3. PS Society's values (and valuation of people and things) have changed beyond belief over the past 50 years.
