Saturday 23 June 2012

Flowers, frills, feathers and fans


The Queen was dressed simply, in powder blue, for the first day of Royal Ascot. My own curiously cobbled together outfit comprised of faded pastel shades – I customized an old pair of Top Shop shoes with ‘found’ floral embellishment, which I’d purloined from a vintage hat the night before. Thankfullly, I found a pair of 'nude' tights before I left too...

I wore one of the 'mad hatter' creations from my extensive millinery collection, along with a Missoni (thrift shop) dress, a vintage couture jacket and a 1950s beaded bag,which was borrowed from ShopCurious. Amazingly, I didn’t spot anyone wearing anything similar…

Along with the inevitable red, white and blue, hat and dress trends on Tuesday seemed to fall into several categories: Floral hats – ranging from modern, nature inspired to old fashioned bathing cap style.

Frills (and later in the day spills) were spotted on hats and dresses alike.


Feathers were everywhere – occasionally getting in the way.

One lady couldn’t get enough of them and took a spare hat along, just in case her companion didn't turn up for afternoon tea.

Flying saucer hats were also in evidence, like the ones worn by retro girl-band, The Tootsie Rollers (below right). 

And there were Far Eastern style fan-pleated numbers too.

As well as fitted trouser suits. One woman sitting under an escalator reminded me of Diane Keaton. Whilst another seemed to be wearing her pyjamas.

Then there were the fashion mavericks – like Tracy Rose, who never conforms to any style but her own. 

I also noticed a couple of girls with crazy tattoos. And, from afar, saw a fabulous pair of striped-heeled sandals.


After a fun day of fashion spotting, I pirouetted back to the car park. Next time I might even watch the races..

Will you?

PS check out men’s racy Ascot fashions in today’s post at The Dabbler.


  1. "cobbled together" Beautifully.
    And the sun was shining!

  2. Fabulous outfit. Especially love the shoe embellishments. Very inventive indeed.setscsc

  3. You should go into the shoe business!!

  4. Thanks Jan! And thanks for visiting, Butterfly - will take a look at your blog.

    The shoe business, now there's a thought, Annie... perhaps I should investigate the potential market for my curiously creative designs. Would anyone be brave enough to wear them?

  5. That looks like such fun! You look fabu as usual.

  6. PS When you get tired of those shoes, would you throw them in my direction? Many, many thanks!

  7. What a great day you had! The photos are lovely and I love your hat! Lovely to stumble upon your blog...have a lovely weekend!
    May x
