Friday 8 June 2012

Flying towards Father's Day

As well as the boats in the Diamond Jubilee River Pageant, I was also lucky enough to get a grandstand view of the Red Arrows fly past – and a few photographs, though the weather conditions weren’t ideal.

After the planes had flown down The Mall and over Buckingham Palace, they suddenly turned around, travelling in a southerly direction across the river…
They got closer and closer…
And then they whooshed directly overhead.

It was quite a surprise to see the planes coming over so low – a tad scary even. As is the fact that I’ve just realized Father’s Day is little more than a week away…

If, like me, you haven’t even thought about it until now, you may be interested in the selection of vintage 1950s cufflinks at ShopCurious. And, if your dad’s an aviation fanatic, I think these curiously aeronautical cufflinks would make the perfect Father’s Day gift.

Do you?

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! I have a total fear of these types of airshows. The blue angels practice over San Francisco during the summer, and I swear a get WWII flashbacks and have to fight the urge to dive under the nearest table. Airplane cufflinks are much preferred!
