Friday 24 December 2010

Curious Christmas greetings

Forget the Adoration of the Magi, Christmas has become a time for all things kitsch and over the top. Last year we sent you Christmas greetings from Chelsea.

This year ShopCurious brings tidings of glad joy from wonderfully olde worlde Fulham. Yes, there was snow in London very recently, but as far as I’m aware, it’s never looked quite like this…

Other curiously quirky Christmas touches I’ve spotted recently include:

Crazy Christmas lights in the backstreets of Battersea.

A knitted nativity scene.

Timelessly thought provoking children’s art.

A stuffed stag's head decoration (from my guest loo).

A curious Christmas icon from Mexico (looks Christmassy whether it is or not).

My mother’s Christmas cake – purely ornamental and totally excessive as no one ever eats it, but she insists on baking one every year - and probably has several from Christmases past rotting in tins at home. And not forgetting all the peculiarly coloured festive drinks (read more about my experience of these over at The Dabbler).

Anyway, for those who are curious, I can confirm that Father Christmas didn't quite make it back to the North Pole - due to the snow he got stuck in Fulham.

Wishing you a fabulously curious Christmas Day wherever you are.

Are you?


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Have a very merry weekend filled with love, happiness and laughter!

  2. And have a wonderful and successful 2011!!!

  3. A christmas cake that no one eats?! Now that really is curious...

    I've heard all about London's white christmas this year--hope you aren't buried somewhere under a snowdrift. But if you are, just be glad you get to bundle up and skip class/work/life. Seems perfectly lovely to me.
